
CoE Committee of Ministers calls on Russia to respect right to education in Transnistrian region


"The Russian Federation was found guilty of the violation of the right to education of children, parents and teaching staff in Romanian-language schools in the Transnistrian region,” said the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, referring to the "cases of Catan and others v. the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation," IPN reports.

According to the Promo-LEX Association, the recent decision reaffirmed the right of students to learn in their mother tongue, without obstacles, and Russia's obligation to honor its legal responsibilities to end all forms of harassment and intimidation directed against students, parents and teachers in schools with teaching in Latin script.

Although the Court explicitly found the Russian Federation guilty and indicated the need for reparative measures, the Russian authorities have not yet presented an action plan. The Russian Federation refuses to pay the compensation awarded by the ECHR - €6,000 per claimant and €50,000 in costs.

At the same time, the so-called "law of languages" and other regulations in the Transnistrian region continue to obstruct the right to education in Romanian.

Likewise, the risk of forced enlistment persists. The de facto authorities in the region periodically request lists of students who turn 16 years old, which amplifies families' fears about abusive recruitment into paramilitary bodies.

"We again call on the Russian authorities to honor their international obligations and call on the European partners to step up their efforts to protect the rights of these students," said the lawyer of the Promo-LEX Association Vadim Vieru.

The Committee of Ministers will resume the examination of the “Catan cases” at a subsequent meeting scheduled for 2026, reserving the right to use any appropriate means to boost the execution of the judgment.