
CNAS: Time limits for distributing social benefits are met


The National House of Social Insurance (CNAS) said that it allocated a total of 1.236 billion lei for paying pensions, financial assistance, one-off payment, death benefit and other social benefits, IPN reports.

According to the CNAS, on December 31, 2020 the institution finished the 2020 budgetary year by making social payments on time and in full amount.

The start of the 2021 budgetary year coincided with the launch of the new process of paying pensions and social benefits, through the Government E-Payment Gateway (MPay), which is a new method of distributing the social welfare to citizens.

To ensure the pensions and other social benefits are paid on time, January 2, 2021 was declared a working day for the Ministry of Finance, the e-Government Agency and the National House of Social Insurance, in accordance with the Premier’s order of December 10, 2020.

For the process of distributing the benefits to run smoothly, the National Bank of Moldova had to ensure the functionality of the automated interbank payments system on January 2, 2021. This could not be done on January 2 and the payments thus started to be distributed to Moldova’s Post Office and banks on January 5.