
Clean Parliament Initiative to appraise campaigners


The Civic Initiative for a Clean Parliament will monitor the slates of the political parties fielded for the parliamentary elections on November 28 to warn the voters of the candidates who do not meet certain moral standards, Info-Prim Neo reports. Cornelia Cozonac, the director of the Investigative Journalism Center and a member of the Initiative, said the “Know your Candidate” Campaign aims to encourage people to vote for morally sound candidates. Cornelia Cozonac said that in the last campaign 56 candidates were “blacklisted” but, unfortunately, the political leaders neglected the warning. “We are not judges and we won't give verdicts. Our mission is to inform the people so that, with the knowledge which we intend to impart, they can make a correct choice”, said Pentru Macovei, another member of the Initiative. The Civic Initiative for a Clean Parliament will appraise the candidates using seven criteria, including the income statements, the use of public resources, maladministration, unpaid parking fines and overdue taxes, behavior contradicting the rule of law, the candidate's public image, and the candidate's party-switching record. The nearly $80,000 project is financed by the Soros Foundation Moldova.