
Civil society’s interest in Civic Fest exceeded organizer’s expectations


The organizers of the International Festival Civic Fest 2013 said the interest of civil society in the event exceeded their expectations, IPN reports.

Tudor Stefan, chairman of the public association “Synergetica”, which is the main organizer of the event, said the festival involved hundreds of persons, representatives of civil society, high-ranking officials, representatives of the Government, the diplomatic corps and the international institutions.

“Next year the festival is expected to be less official than this year. The atmosphere will be more relaxed and the civil society representatives will be able to communicate freely,” said Tudor Stefan.

Vera Stahi, coordinator of the Criuleni-based public association “Woman and Child” that took part in all the sessions of the festival, said that she for the first time took part in such a platform of profound and open dialogue and cooperation between the NGOs and representatives of the Government.

Olesea Bulhac, another participant in the festival, said that she wants to create a social enterprise in Chisinau, but before the festival possessed insufficient information. Civic Fest offered her a platform of ideas and resources that can help her.

The International Festival Civic Fest themed “Moldova for Citizens” was held between October 29 and 31 and centered on three areas: culture and the mass media in Moldova; justice and social changes, and social entrepreneurship, social inclusion, and community development.

The event was organized by “Synergetica Eur/Est” with the support of East-Europe Foundation, the Government of Sweden, the Government of Denmark, and ERSTE Foundation, Austria.