
Civic and electoral education campaign to promote critical thinking


The Association “Promo- LEX” launched a civil and electoral education campaign entitled “CHOOSE critical thinking”. During a month, students from 12 villages and towns will be told about the electoral system of Moldova, people’s electoral rights and the role of parties and people in the democratic processes, IPN reports.

On the first day of the campaign, the organizers exhibited 20 photos on electoral themes in Europe Square of Chisinau. The exhibition with the slogan “#iesilavot” (“Go and vote”) includes pictures of civil and electoral education campaigns conducted in 2015-2017, which involved over 200 volunteers from 77 communities.

“The exhibited photos were taken in different places to raise the peoples’ awareness of the role of the political class. Today we aimed to present only several pictures taken during four election campaigns. We hope that at the end everyone will draw the relevant conclusions,” said Irina Korobchenko, manager of educational programs at “Promo-LEX”.  

Later, the photos will be exhibited in the Parliament Building, the Government Building, the Municipal Library “B. P. Hasdeu”, the State University “Alecu Russo” of Balti, the State University “B. P. Hasdeu” of Cahul, the Calarasi District Council and the Theoretical Lyceum “Pan Halippa” of Edinet.

In the course of February, the team of “Promo-LEX” will visit 12 schools in 12 villages and towns to show the film “A goat for a vote”. After the screening, they will discuss with students the message transmitted by this film, about the electoral system, electoral rights of citizens, role of political parties and people in developing democracy.

“The goal of the campaign is to inform the young people about their electoral rights and the importance of their involvement in monitoring the democratic process and in developing local communities,” added Irina Korobchenko.

The campaign is staged in connection with the International Election Day and will end on March 5. It is supported financially by the U.S. Agency for International Development.