
Citizens urged to download again COVID certificate


The holders of COVID certificates issued by the nationals system before November 16, 2021 should download the document again from www.certificate-covid.gov.md. This is necessary because the COVID certificate issued by Moldova’s electronic system was equated with the certificate issued by the European Union and the Moldovan authorities adjusted the structure of the QR code according to the EU standards, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Ministry of Health said that to verify the new certificates, one should visit www.certificate-covid.gov.md, in the section “Verify certificate”, or any other application interconnected with the European gateway that centralizes public keys for verifying the certificates issued at EU level.

The Digital COVID Certificate system covers three different types of COVID-19 certificate: a vaccination certificate, a test certificate, and a certificate of recovery.

The information contained in the Digital COVID Certificate is limited to what is necessary to provide the certification requested. Such information includes name, date of birth, the certificate issuer and a unique identifier of the certificate. In addition: for a vaccination certificate: vaccine type and manufacturer, number of doses received, date of vaccination; for a test certificate: type of test, date and time of test, place and result; for a recovery certificate: date of positive test result, validity period. The last type of certificate will become available on www.certificate-covid.gov starting with November 22, 2021.

On November 15, 2021, the European Commission adopted the decision to equate the Moldovan COVID-19 certificates with those in the European Union’s digital certification system. This means that, as of November 16, Moldovan certificates are treated equally with those issued in the EU.