
Citizens urged to beware of possible swindles related to charter flights


The Civil Aviation Authority warns about possible swindles related to charter flights and calls on the citizens to inform themselves from official sources. According to the Authority, the number of swindles in the period could rise, including through the agency of social networking sites, and they could target persons who intend to return home. These could be furnished with false data about scheduled charter flights and could be persuaded to make payments in advance through different electronic payment systems, IPN reports.

The Moldovan citizens should be cautious and should inform themselves about the charter flights operated to bring Moldovans from other states home from official sources, such as the website of the Civil Aviation Authority  – www.caa.md, of the Government – www.gov.md, of Moldova’s Embassy or Consulate in the given country.

In a press release, the Authority says that all the charter flights through which the Moldovans from other states are evacuated are approved by the National Commission for Exceptional Situations of Moldova and are stipulated in orders that are issued by this and that can be accessed   on the Government’s website.

For its part, the Civil Aviation Authority will publish information about the charter flights approved by the National Commission for Exceptional Situations of Moldova on its official website and on its Facebook page.

So far, by an order of March 23, there were approved the following charter flights:

Carter flights operated by Air Moldova:

24 March – Chisinau-Paris(Beauvais)-Chisinau
25 March – Chisinau-Paris(Beauvais)-Chisinau

Charter flights operated by De Flyone :

25 March – Chisinau-London(Southen)-Chisinau.
26 March – Chisinau-Istanbul-Chisinau.
26 March – Chisinau-Moscow (Vnukovo)-Chisinau.