
Chisinau municipality celebrates future on May 9, IPN thematic series


IPN Agency reacted to the concerns expressed by Moldovan society, which fears that the day of May 9 may be used by different circles of interest as a pretext for particular kinds of provocations and for causing destabilization in Moldova. The concerns seem sufficiently justified in the context of the profound regional crisis that affects Moldova too. The given mini-series will present the opinions of representatives of central and local public authorities, of political parties and analysts and the measures by which the possible provocations can be prevented or annihilated.

On May 9, the Chisinau City Hall will celebrate the future. “For us, the future is Europe and on May 9 we will celebrate Europe. Surely, in order to have a bright future, one should know their past. That’s why we do not forget those who died in World War II and will commemorate them by laying flowers,” head of the Foreign Relations, Regional Cooperation and European Integration Gabriela Ciumac has told IPN.

In the afternoon of May 9, a Gala of Brass Bands from all over the country will be held in the Great National Assembly Square. “We invite everyone to build their future and to celebrate this holiday together,” stated Gabriela Ciumac. The cultural events will continue on May 10, when the municipality, together with the EU Delegation to Moldova, will mark Europe Day in the central square of Chisinau. Asked why the EU Delegation does not celebrate Europe Day on May 9, as in all the European states, Gabriela Ciumac said the Delegation never wanted to celebrate this day on May 9 as they consider that this is a sensitive issue for Moldovan society and they do not want to cause dissatisfaction.

In the same connection, the mayor general’s adviser for relations with the police force Iurie Cuculescu said all the places where events dedicated to May 9 will be held will be monitored by the police, while the concerns about possible provocations are unjustified.

“These concerns are provoked intentionally by someone so as to cause fear in society before the day of May 9. There is peace and everything is fine. We will work under the normal regime. There are no reasons for concern,” said Ion Cuculescu.

Alina Marin, IPN

IPN Note: IPN Agency also invited to take part in this mini-series the Government of Moldova, the Ministry of the Interior, the Information and Communication Service, the Chisinau City Hall, the mayor’s office of Comrat municipality, the mayor’s office of Balti municipality, the Ungheni mayor’s office, the political parties that intend to stage events on May 9, political analysts and other public figures of Moldova.