
Chisinau has votes needed to ratify Association Agreement with EU


Moldova’s Parliament has the minimum of 51 votes needed for ratifying the Association Agreement with European Union, signed on June 27. Within a survey conducted by IPN, at least 51 MPs said they will support the ratification of the accord. There are also undecided lawmakers, while the Communist faction and the Socialist MPs said they will vote against.

Abramciuc Veronica, unaffiliated MP

Said she hasn’t yet taken a final decision as regards the ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union. “I will analyze things and will weigh the good and bad points of the accord, taking into account the geopolitical strategies and the dangers for Moldova, given the ethnic composition of the country and the people’s views.”

Agache Angel, PLDM

Said that he will vote for the ratification of the accord. “I will vote in favor because we must create better living conditions and bring things in Moldova to normality. This is our goal – for Moldova to be a developed and stable country with the same security level as in the EU.”

Anghel Gheorghe, PCRM

Said the signing and ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU will lead to the destruction of Moldova’s economy and to the ruining of Moldovan producers and will thus not vote for its ratification. Gheorghe Anghel believes the accord is signed by the current government for political PR purposes before the parliamentary elections. A new accord should be negotiated as the current one was initialed and cannot be modified without negotiations.

Apolschii Raisa, PDM

Said the Association Agreement with the European Union was negotiated page by page by professionals and the pursued goal is to offer benefits to the Moldovan people. The MP stated that the document will enable Moldova to sell its products in the EU. The country will be also offered a period of transition for meeting the European standards.

Apostolachi Iurie, PLDM

Said he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union. “Moldova’s place is only in the European family. I’m a resident of the Transnistrian region and I see what is going on here every day. I think the accord will bring peace and a decent living on both banks of the Nistru River.”

Arhire Anatolie, PLR

Said that he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union ecause the EU proved that it can ensure a high quality of life for the European people not by words, but by deeds, by macro-economic indicators, by the quality of education and social protection, by foreign policies and without conflicts on the territory of the member states.

Balan Ion, PLDM

Said the Association Agreement with the European Union will bring enormous benefits to the agricultural sector of Moldova. When he visits Moldovan settlements, he sees that the people have an increased interest in starting businesses in agriculture. The large-scale projects will enable to develop agriculture and the state. I have four children and a nephew and I will make everything possible for their future to be in the EU. “I will not hesitate at all. I will come to the hearing and will vote for the ratification of this accord.”

Bodrug Oleg, PLR

Said he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union. “Besides welfare, we will also have dignity. We will be in a civilized area where the values, justice and rights are respected. Every citizen thinks about geopolitical stability. The EU means a safe future, safety for the children,” said the lawmaker.”

Bolboceanu Iurie, unaffiliated lawmaker

Is 90% sure that he will vote for the ratification of Association Agreement with the EU. “A lot depends on how the agreement reaches Parliament. We must see it and analyze its benefits for the Republic of Moldova. There are many discussions, including as regards the benefits and concessions.”

Brashovschi Gheorghe, PDM

Said he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU because, after he visited a number of European countries, he wants to bring the European values to Moldova. He nopted that he was impressed by the European culture and traditions, by the people’s attitude to which other, by the reciprocal respect and the clean streets. “I will vote for this accord as I voted for all the bills concerning the European integration of Moldova.”

Brega Gheorghe, PL

Said that when the Association Agreement with the European Union is ratified, Moldova will get rid of communism and poverty. This document is a chance for Moldova to become a European country with the rule of law, where the human rights are respected. “The European Union is a union of democratic and free countries where the laws and human rights govern. The Republic of Moldova will enjoy many benefits if this accord is ratified. Surely not immediately as time is needed, but people’ lives will improve little by little.”

Butmalai Ion, PLDM

Sai he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU with the greatest pleasure as it is for the Moldovan people’s benefit, for the benefit of the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. “We have rich land and hardworking people. I’m optimistic and I believe that Moldova will be one of the most beautiful countries on Earth, not only in the EU. This is a place given by God, which we must keep for the future of our children. We must do our utmost to become part of the EU as soon as possible. We must attract European funds and improve the living standards.”

Candu Adrian, PDM

Said the Association Agreement with the European Union is one of the most important documents for Moldova, said Deputy Head of Parliament Adrian Candu, who forms part of the Democratic Party. He pledged that he will vote for the ratification of this accord. “It will help us to transform the country, to develop it and to do what we didn’t manage to do in 20 years. I consider that this accord is a fundamental one for the country’s future and I hope that it will help us to come as closer to the Western values and standards as soon as possible.”

Chiorescu Iurie, PLDM

Said the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU has been one of the key objectives of the current government since 2009. He said that he is not in a risk area and will give his vote for this document with pride. “I’m proud that I will take part in this really historical event for Moldova’s present and future.”

Cimbriciuc Alexandru, PLDM

Said that Moldova struggled a lot to set the European integration as its development course and it would be a pity if some of the lawmakers do not vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU now. “The benefits are already visible. The country is developing following the misery left by the Communists and this is evident to everyone. In the last 4-5 years, we have seen Moldova turning into a European state. This thing encourages me and I’m confident that we will succeed. I hoped we will be able to travel freely in the European Union and this happened as Moldova fulfilled all the necessary conditions. Who several years ago believed that this is possible.”

Ciobanu Ghenadie, PLDM

Said the European Union means a standard of cultural life, for organizing living. After the ratification of the Association Agreement, Moldova will start to modernize, including at cultural level. The people will will organize their time in a different way so that culture becomes part of their life, as in the civilized countries. Ghenadie Ciobanu said he will give his vote for the ratification of the accord so that the people enjoy better living conditions.

Ciobanu Maria, PLDM

Said Europe means better living conditions in Moldova and, when the Association Agreement with the EU is ratified, the people will feel the change, said Liberal-Democratic MP Maria Ciobanu, underlining that the government will take determined steps to bring Moldova closer to the European family. “Europe means functional state institutions and better living conditions, which is what every citizen wants.”

Cojocaru Vadim, PLR

Said he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU, but didn’t explain his position.

Corman Igor, PDM

Head of Parliament Igor Corman said that after President Nicolae Timofti transmits the relevant bill to Parliament, he will propose it for ratification next week, as a matter of urgency. According to him, independent experts show that after the Association Agreement takes effect, Moldova’s exports to the EU will increased by 16%, while the country’s GDP by 5.4%. “We speak about a market of about 500 million consumers with clear rules. This treaty, with its political and economic elements, is beneficial to Moldova and offers our producers a period of transition for increasing the competitiveness of our products, with the possibility of renegotiating provisions, if need be,” he stated.

Igor Corman said there will be more possibilities for accessing European funds. The EU will support Moldova by providing grants and loans for small and medium-sized companies. The ENPARD program, designed to support the Moldovan farmers, is to be rolled out this year.

Deliu Tudor, PLDM

Said that he will vote with both of his hands for the ratification of the Association Agreement as the ratification of this accord is a promise made to the voters and it must be fulfilled. “We struggled and will yet struggle for Moldova to become part of the large European family, while the ratification of the Association Agreement is for Moldova’s benefit. The country will become beneficiary of EU subventions and we will be able to deal with the problems faced by the Moldovan citizens.”

Diacov Dumitru, PDM

Said the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU does not mean that Moldova will have bad relations with Russia, Ukraine or Romania. He stated that he will vote for the ratification of the accord so that Moldova makes progress. “We worked hard to have this accord signed and ratified. I’m almost sure that there won’t be problems and the agreement will be ratified. The Republic of Moldova showed it is a country that can be trusted.”

Dimitriu Anatolie, PLDM

Said the Association Agreement with the EU envisions the creation of a Free Trade Area and, together with it, of better conditions for companies. It also allows extending the consumer market in Moldova. “The EU has a consumer market of 500 million people who need products of a high quality and we can supply them with such products. We have all the conditions needed to extend the home market and to perform economic activities not only in the East, but also in the West.”

Dodon Igor, PSRM

Said firmly that he will not vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU and nothing can make him change his mind. According to Igor Dodon, the country will face economic risks. “We consider that the foreign vector must be decided by a referendum. It is a decision that must be taken by the people. That’s why we will vote against the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU and I will state my opinion in Parliament and within mass protests.”

Focsa Gheorghe, PLDM

The European Union is a performance road for Moldova, said Liberal-Democratic lawmaker Gheorghe Focsa. He will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU because he is convinced that the document will bring significant benefits to the country. The creation of the Free Trade Area is one of the benefits of the accord. The quality and safety of the products on the market will increase. The development of agriculture is another advantage. A rising number of European investors will want to develop businesses in Moldova.

Frumosu Elena, PLDM

Said that after the Association Agreement with the EU is ratified, Moldova will be more credible before the investors and foreign partners. “We want the investment climate to improve because not only the state creates workplaces, but also the companies. We must create favorable grounds,” said the lawmaker. She added that the implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU is a process that can end successfully only if Moldova meets the necessary conditions. Changes will take place gradually, not overnight. In the period Moldova must work hard.

Furdui Simion, PLDM

Said he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU, but didn’t argue why.

Fusu Corina, PL

Is for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU. She considers that the European integration will allow the Moldovans to regain human dignity. She said that the European course for Moldova was proposed by the Liberal Party in the local elections of 2007. According to her, the Liberal Party has always promoted the European values and the integration into the EU. The European integration is the only solution for modernizing Moldova because the laws function in the EU and the human rights are respected there.


Ghiletski Valeriu, PLDM

“Yes, I will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the European Union because this accord forms part of the government’s program that we support. I think the agreement will contribute to modernizing the Republic of Moldova and to increasing the living standards and will offer a European prospect to the country and its people.”

Ghimpu Mihai, PL

Said that he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU and will continue to struggle until Moldova becomes an EU member state. “Our ancestors contributed to building the values to which we want to adhere and it would be a pity not to recognize them and to live outside them. I’m one of the few who didn’t wait, but struggled to obtain such a document one day. The ratification of this accord means an important step towards civilization and separation from the area where the post and the money count, not the people.”

Godea Mihai, unaffiliated lawmaker

Will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the EU. He believes that there is no other development path for Moldova than the European integration. “The Association Agreement represents an extraordinary roadmap for modernizing Moldova in European style.”

Gutu Ana, PLR

Is for the reification of the Association Agreement with the EU and will ask for the vote in Parliament to be nominal. “I entered Parliament based on an electoral program where the European integration is set as the key goal of Moldova. During five years, I have worked namely in this direction within the international relations. Any activity, any speech, any negotiation, any action and any communication were based on the Europeans integration of Moldova. I voted without hesitation for all the relevant laws and even encouraged others to vote, if they had doubts about our plan for liberalizing the visa regime with the EU.”

Hadarca Ion, PLR

“I will do my utmost for the whole faction, not only me, to vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU. The benefits of the association with the EU are incommensurable with what the East offers,” said the MP. According to him, the East is weakened and destabilized by permanent conflicts and embargoes. It provides instability and uncertainty. At the same time, the rapprochement with the EU brings stability, common values, democracy and, simultaneously, a lower level of poverty and corruption.

Hotineanu Vladimir, PLDM

Said that he will definitely vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the European Union. This accord is important for Moldova because Western Europe lays emphasis on the development of the social dimension, while in Eastern Europe there is only poverty and regression. “During the five years of government by the deratic coalition, we convinced ourselves that the country made progress and went out of poverty only in this period. Investment projects and more workplaces appeared. The salaries of teachers were raised and the pays of doctors will also be raised from July 1.”

Ionas Ivan, PLDM

“This accord will bring to the country such projects as ENPARD for agriculture, free trade with the EU, etc. Surely I will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU.”

Ionita Veaceslav, PLDM

Said he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU because this accord will strengthen the institutions of Moldova. “The agreement will first of all provide a clear European prospect to the country. It will also strengthen the democratic institutions and the market economy institutions. I think that the people’s welfare is strictly related to the quality and functioning of the national institutions.”

Jantuan Stella, PDM

Said that she will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU and this vote represents the logical end of the actions and decisions of the Democrat Party, the promoted reforms being from the very beginning a target for the party. The European integration represents the only development prospect of Moldova, the chance of improving the living standards and the best environment for promoting, guaranteeing and observing the basic human rights.

Juravschi Nicolae, PLDM

Said he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU. This accord brings Moldova first of all economic advantages and not only. “Currently, most of the young people go to the EU to acquire good knowledge and return to build a Europeans country at home. The advantages are evident,” said the lawmaker, adding that another better opportunity does not exist, while the discussions about the possible entry into a customs union (the Russia – Belarus – Kazakhstan Customs Union) are out-of-date.

Lupu Marian, PDM

The Association Agreement with the European Union comes as strategic support for the European modernization of Moldova. “We see very well the precedence of the internal policy aspects that derive from this accord. As we aim to develop the country, this agreement comes with a series of actions, powerful motivations and important financial resources for this and the future governments to possess the leverage needed to ensure this development, progress and the European modernization of Moldova.”

Mocanu George, PLDM

Said that the Association Agreement with the EU is the most important political and economic document since the obtaining of independence. He said that he will ratify it, adding that after so many years of stagnation, the Moldovans can finally take a firm decision about the civilization model they want to follow.

Munteanu Valeriu, PL

Said he will vote unconditionally for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU because it’s now time to give the people what they deserve, according to him. He said that the European aspiration is the natural path by which Moldova can thrive after 200 years of occupation. “We lost a lot of time as a result of the tsarist occupation and then of the Soviet occupation and of the oscillations between the CIS and the EU of the last 20 years,” said Valeriu Munteanu, adding that the Association Agreement is one of the steps preceding the effective accession to the European family.

Nasu Maria, PLDM

Will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU. “This is what we, my colleagues and my family opted for,” the MP said, noting that the Association Agreement with the EU represents improvements for the county and it is part of the agenda of the Liberal-Democratic parliamentary group concerning the country’s development.

Palihovici Liliana, PLDM

The Association Agreement with the European Union represents an important step in the process of joining the area of European values by promoting and implementing reforms that will develop and modernize the country, said Deputy Head of Parliament Liliana Palihovici, of the Liberal Deratic Party. She stated that she will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement and will make everything possible to convince the doubtful MPs of the benefits of this accord.

Plesca Nae-Simion, PLDM

I dream of the day when I will vote for the ratification of this accord,” said the MP, underlining that the Association Agreement with the EU is the objective of the current government, which will result in a number of important things for the Moldovan people, starting with the free movement, exchange of goods, business, etc.

Reshetnicov Artur, PCRM

“After the meeting with the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, President Vladimir Voronin announced that the Communist faction will not vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement and presented the objections to its content, explaining why we do not agree with this accord. The whole Communist parliamentary group will not vote for the ratification,” said Artur Reshetnicov, adding that only the national interest would make him vote for the ratification of the accord.

Saharneanu Valeriu, PLR

Said he will vote with both of his hands for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union. “It is an accord of historical significance. We begin to have authentic freedom and independence. Until now we had been in transition. Now the transition starts to disappear and we see the European objectives.”

Sarbu Sergiu, PDM

Said that he will categorically vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the European Union. “I left the Communist Party namely because I wanted to be able to promote my European integration views that haven’t changed since 2003. Others changed their views and followed another path. I remained firm in my convictions and I’m for European integration. I will definitely vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement, without hesitation.”

Solcan Mihail, PDM

Said he was impatiently waiting for the signing and then the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU. According to him, Moldova was given the unique chance of associating itself with the EU and this chance should not be missed. “I will 300% vote for the ratification of this important agreement for Moldova and will do my utmost, as an MP, for the country to become associated with the EU.”

Stoianoglo Alexandru, PDM

“I’m sure that most of the lawmakers will give their votes for the ratification of this document. It is important to ratify the Association Agreement because it will offer Moldova development alternatives.”

Stratan Valentina, PDM

The Association Agreement represents a new stage in the rapprochement with the European Union. Joining the EU is the final goal. The accord marshals the reforms for combating corruption and for tending towards a better life with an increased social protection level and with respect for the human rights,” she stated, underlining she will vote for the ratification of the accord.

Strelet Valeriu , PLDM

Said that he will definitely vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU and will encourage all his colleagues from Parliament, including those from outside the government collation, to support this great opportunity for Moldova. “I think that after 23 years of hesitation, Moldova can finally cover an irreversible path that it could possibly choose earlier. But at least now we should not miss this opportunity.”

Stirbate Petru, PLDM

Will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU without hesitation. According to him, Moldova has no other prospect, while the European Union is the only partner that will ensure the country’s security and development. “We should have a common development course with the opposition. Regretfully, everyone understands the country’s future their way. We hope that they will temper their ambitions at least now and will go together with us in one safe direction. We had been in the East once and for a long time. It’s enough.”

Tabuica Valeriu, PDM

Said the accord is very important for the economic development of Moldova and for guranteeing the fundamental freedoms of the people. According to the MP, the Association Agreement will support the national economic entities by investments and by promoting the Moldovan products on the European market.

Tap Iurie, PLDM

Said he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the European Union. “It is a chance for us. The provisions of this accord support the reforms initiated in Moldova and are aimed at ensuring a functional state with guaranteed security and high living standards.”

Tulea Oleg, PDM

Said that he will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the European Union because this document represents an important step in the country’s European integration process. According to the lawmaker, the accord guarantees economic growth, political competence and, in general, a prosperous future for Moldova.

Vacarciuc Andrei, PLDM

“Surely I will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement in Parliament. It is an important document for Moldova, which oscillated between the East and the West during 25 years, not yet during the last five years, when the Government and Parliament, despite the weak majority sometimes, daily made effort to bring the country closer to Europe and, finally, we managed to,” he said, underlined that the results achieved by the government in the rapprochement with the EU are palpable, even if not every citizen feels them yet.

Vacarciuc Vadim, PLR

“The Association Agreement with the European Union is vital for Moldova, Liberal-Reformist Vadim Vacarciuc has told IPN within an inquiry held among lawmakers. I recent attended a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, where I met with the NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen and other officials who said it clearly: Dear Moldovans, if you do not fulfill your obligations this time again, your country will be at a crossroads,” said the MP.

Vlah Petru, PLDM

Will vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement with the EU because the document is very important both for Moldova’s people and for the state in general. “We must take everything that is good from the association with the EU and not tend to go back. We have been already there where some of the politicians want to take us. We want to see something better. I personnel want my children to have a future where they will be able to make progress and will not regress.”

Zaporojan Lilian, PLDM

Said the benefits that Moldova will obtain after the association with the EU are countless. “The country’s future, the development of agriculture, education of a high quality and modern medicine depend on this document. These are values that we must develop in our country,” stated Lilian Zaporojan.

Note: Most of the Communist MPs made reference to the commont statement of the faction, saying that the Communist lawmakers will not vote for the ratification of the accord. Other unaffiliated MPs or members of other parliamentary groups who don’t appear in the survey were unavailable for comment or didn’t answer IPN’ request.