
Chisinau cultural days organised in Targoviste, Romania


Chisinau cultural days will be organised in the city Targoviste of Romania, and in Chisinau, Targoviste cultural days. It was convened on this on Thursday, 23 February, at the meeting of the interim mayor of municipality Chisinau, Vasile Ursu, with the mayor of the city Targoviste, Iulian Furcoiu, secretary of the County Council Dambovita, Ivan Ivanoff and Romania’s ambassador in Chisinau, Filip Teodorescu. During the meeting, the parts established that in the first semester of this year, Chisinau mayor Vaslile Ursu, together with the mayoralty’s employees and businessmen of Chisinau visit Targoviste in order to discuss the development program of economic relations between both municipalities. The mayor of municipality Targoviste, Iulian Furcoiu, said that to organise the cultural days is opportune to set certain sustainable economic relations. He noted that in Targoviste there are already present businessmen of the left bank of river Prut, and at the State University „Valahia” about 200 students of Moldova study. He expressed his confidence that, very soon, stable and efficient economic relations will develop between these two municipalities. Interim mayor of municipality Chisinau Vasile Ursu said that economic relations between these two cities should be developed, and regarding the organisation of cultural days of Chisinau in Targoviste, the mayor noted that an action program should be drafted. Any dates, when the cultural days of both municipalities are held, were not defined yet.