
Chisinau City Hall seeks interruption of protests during winter holidays


Mayor General of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca called on the organizers of the protests mounted in the Great National Assembly Square to suspend the protests for the period of the winter holidays, between December 1, 2015 and January 15, 2016, IPN reports.

According to a communique of the Chisinau City Hall, the local administration does not want a dispute with the organizers of the protests, even if the law gives priority to the public authorities in holding public events. Therefore, the festivity to officially open the winter holidays in Chisinau on December 1 was staged in the square of the Metropolitan Cathedral.

Also, economic entities asked to be authorized to set up a skating rink and playing elements for children in the center of the city during the winter holidays. The City Hall can further organize the winter events in the area near the Triumphal Arch, but the holding of these events in the Great National Assembly Square will help create a real holiday atmosphere in the municipality of Chisinau.