
Chisinau City Hall has allocated additional resources for students’ free nutrition


The Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) has allocated additional financial resources of about 3.3 mln lei to the General Education and Youth Division for providing the children in preuniversity institutions in Chisinau with gratis food during September-December 2007. The money allotted by the local authorities so far could not cover all the related expenses. Earlier, the Chisinau City Hall allocated 59.3 mln lei for the second half of the 2006-2007 school year, in addition to the sums planned in the budget. Approximately 28,200 students of the 1st - 4th grades from socially vulnerable families living in the municipality of Chisinau have been provided with free breakfast since the start of this year. The breakfast cost 3 lei a day per child. Also, 20% or 3,600 children from the same group that attend meditation lessons received free supper worth 4 lei. The general boarding schools and the boarding schools with special regime provided 1 679 students with free food worth 18 lei for a resident student and 15 lei for a non-resident student. The auxiliary schools fed 234 students, at a cost of 15 lei per child. The municipal sportive lyceum supplied free food to 543 students, worth 8.9 lei to 19 lei a day. As many as 136 students of the sports classes of the lyceums “B.P.Hasdeu”, “M. Viteazul” and the Secondary School No.7 received free food worth 8.9 lei to 19 lei a day. The CMC decided to feed the students that had been sick with tuberculosis or come into contact with contaminated persons during the school year 2006-2007. A number of 498 such children in preuniversity education institutions are supplied with free food worth 12 lei a day. Also, 188 children from special kindergartens and spa groups suffering from tuberculosis are fed at the price of 18 lei per day, and 547 children with mental and physical disabilities from special kindergartens receive food worth 13.5 lei per day. The norm for feeding the children in general kindergartens that work round the clock was raised: 311 children are provided with food worth 12 lei a day.