
Chisinau City Court judges regret messages denigrating the judiciary


The judges of the Centru branch of the Chisinau City Court express their regret at the disseminated messages denigrating he judiciary after their colleague Rodica Berdilo decided to not validate the outcome of the early mayoral elections held in Chiesa municipality. In a posting on the court’s Facebook page, the judges say they are against media lynching and attacks on judges, IPN reports.

The message says the judges are also against the attempts to influence the courts of law of any level and against the calls to undermine and disregard the judicial authority. When taking decisions, the judges abide by the provisions of the law that can be imperfect and incomplete, but this should be implemented so as not to endanger democracy. The ignoring of imperative legal provisions is arbitrariness that goes against the will and rights of others and defiance of the rule of law principles.

The judges also disapprove of the attacks and the broad denigration campaign in the public sphere, the press and the Internet against judge Rodica Berdilo, which they consider immoral. According to them, the lawmakers envisioned the necessity of the court of law determining the legality of elections, which are indeed a key pillar of democracy and the rule of law, namely for the purpose of identifying violations and penalizing these by invalidating the elections.

The judges of the Centru branch of the Chisinau City Court note that in a state with the rule of law, the respect for the law is a moral duty of each citizen first and foremost and is then a measure of constraint and punishment. Consequently, the observance of the law without exceptions is needed in a democratic society in order to correct mistakes, prevent future violations and stop abuses.