
Chisinau authorities supplement Covid center with more beds


The Chisinau authorities are adding more beds at the Covid Center, hosted by Moldexpo, in response to the growing number of coronavirus cases, IPN reports

Additionally, the number of intensive care beds has been doubled to 12. The Covid Center now cares for 102 patients.

“Sadly, the number of new cases is rising. The new variant, Delta is becoming dominant in Moldova, with its higher infection rates and aggressiveness. This week we intend to convene the Chisinau Extraordinary Public Health Commission to examine the epidemiological situation and the risks of an expansion,” Mayor Ion Ceban stated on Monday.

The mayor went on to add that the municipal health care system is prepared to switch the city’s hospitals back into a Covid-focused mode.

While much higher than the national vaccination rate of 19%, Ceban says the 30% rate achieved in the capital is “insufficient” and “leaving us vulnerable” ahead of the cold autumn-winter season. “We have vaccines in sufficient amounts and of different types in all the 70 vaccination units operating in the municipality, including in mobile units. I was glad to see many people willing to get the jab in the vaccination trolleybus stationed in the Great National Assembly Square last Saturday. Many people who return from abroad choose to get the shot here at home, as they say the procedure is easier. Vaccination remains the most efficient, and only solution to keeping everybody safe and healthy,” said Ion Ceban.

The mayor also asked the central government for help with containing the spread of the virus in Chisinau, which he says is at the greatest risk. “I’ve seen a lot of criticism about masks being ignored on public transport. I’m asking each and every citizen to be responsibile. Clearly, drivers and conductors cannot fight with every trolleybus rider to make them wear masks. Let’s show some responsibility to one another”, urged Ion Ceban.