Children whose parents work abroad suffer from inferiority complex, psychologists
The children whose parents went abroad to work develop a series of complexes and states that are abnormal for their age, especially the inferiority complex and the syndrome of the lost and lonely child. These are some of the conclusions formulated as part of the seminar “Parents Departing – Children Suffering” organized by the Child’s Rights Protection Division of the Centru District of Chisinau in cooperation with the Information and Documentation Center on Children’s Rights, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The distrust in the own forces appears for the reason that most of the neglected children accuse themselves of the fact that the parents had to go abroad because of them, in order to earn money to maintain the family. When the children develop this complex, they become inhibited and withdrawn. Psychologist Aurelia Pospai says that the most serious thing in such situations is that the child cannot find a refuge and has no one to talk to about their problems because most of the times the persons that look after the children do not communicate with them and do not know their inner problems. As a result, the child becomes solitary and develops an affective blockage. But most of all the specialists are worried about the cases of suicide among the children deprived of parental care. “The loneliness is the cancer of our society,” said Aurelia Pospai.
Many of the children and youth that do not live together with the parents experience strong emotions of sadness and uncertainty. Therefore, the children become very anxious and this anxiety controls their behavior. Consequently, the psychological and physiological development of the child is upset. Aurelia Pospai says that when the children are anxious, they do not have appetite and cannot sleep.
The major problems faced by the children whose parents are not near them include firstly the lack of affection and love and the insufficient participative communication of the parents in their life. The children are in search of answers typical of different development stages. Lacking affection, love, compassion and information, the children are deprived of communication and of a healthy environment in which they could socialize. Aurelia Pospai says that the main communication network is first of all the family that provides unconditional and positively affective communication. Deprived of this communication, the child looks for another network and refuge and the psychologists say that the found network is not always positive. Moreover, the children cannot socialize and develop communication abilities and meet with numerous problems related to the integration into the society and interaction with the fellows. This also happened when the minors discover that they live in an environment and family that are different from the others.
The specialists say that in order to overcome such states in children, these must be encouraged to understand and perceive the good side in any situation. Also, every child must be helped to develop confidence in oneself and respect for oneself. To make this possible, the children should be allowed to develop their abilities in any area, to find the field in which they can assert themselves and build their self-esteem. According to psychologists, having more self-respect, the children start to believe that they are valuable and important, regardless of what can happen to them in life, and have the possibility of acting without being afraid of failure or of the judgments of the people from around. It is important that the young people and children know how to correctly and efficiently use all the resources available, including the time, money and intellectual resources. When the children have a structured program, they are always busy and do not have time for depressive thoughts and states of anxiety.
The teachers and class masters play an important role in supporting the children left without parental care. The school must be a friendly environment that favors the psychological and physiological development of the children.
According to statistics, about 99,000 children in Moldova remained without parental care. Approximately 28,000 minors are deprived of the care of both of the parents, while 71,000 are deprived of the care of one of the parents.