
Child sexually abused in group, one of culprits gets 10 years


A 15-year-old boy from Hancesti district was sentenced to 10 years and six months in jail for kidnapping a seven-year-child and for sexually abusing him. Another two minors who assisted him could not be held accountable because they didn’t turn 14, prosecutor of the Hancesti Prosecutor’s Office Inga Boisteanu has told IPN.  

The case happened in June 2014. The seven-year-old child, who lives with his grandmother, was taken from his home to the outskirts of the village by force. There, he had been sexually abused during 12 hours. In the hearings, the 15-year-old boy didn’t admit his guilt and refused to make statements, but during the investigation he said that the seven-year-old boy went voluntarily with him. He also told the police that he saw such acts on the TV set and on the Internet. The culprit lived together with his father, who looks after two more children. His mother works abroad, while his father often drinks alcohol.

The prosecutor also said that the three culprits earlier committed minor offenses. The 15-year-old boy will serve his sentence in a jail for minors.

Contacted by IPN, psychologist Maria Varlan said that in most of the cases such an aggressive behavior is determined by the family and social environment. The aggressors often come from socially underprivileged families, where the parents do not pay enough attention to them. Most of the times, these persons have poor results at school and bad relations with the mates. The fact that the teens chose as a victim a younger child shows that they cannot assert themselves.

Maria Varlan also said that not only the family, but also the local authorities, the teachers and the people from the settlement must notice possible behavioral deviations in children and sound the alarm, especially when it is about children from socially deprived families. Recidivism in case of aggression is much more probable and thus an entire team of specialists must make effort to avoid it.

In some of the cases, the persons who went through such an experience or a certain form of aggression are predisposed to commit sexual assault. The psychologist said that a child who is subject to abuse needs the assistance of specialists and a solution is for the family to move to another settlement so that nobody from the community knows their tragedy and behaves in a different way towards them.