
Child aged two in a serious condition afar swallowing over 20 pills for hypertension


A two-year-old girl was admitted to the hospital in a serious condition after swallowing over 20 pills Captopril, which is used to treat hypertension. She is receiving treatment in the intensive care and toxicology section of the Mother and Child Center, the section’s head Tatiana Pasicovschi has told IPN.

According to the doctor, the parents left the child alone in the room for a while. The girl found pills on the table and swallowed them. When they entered the room, they saw the pills near the girl, who looked sleepy.

The doctor said the grownups must realize the risks and not leave medicines within the children’s reach. Also, the children must be permanently supervised. If it happens that they take pills, the parents must immediately call an ambulance. Meanwhile, they should also call the pediatric toxicology service of Moldova TOXAPEL on 022 555-220 to find out how to give first aid before the ambulance arrives.

More than 300 children younger than five have been hospitalized with drug poisoning so far this year. By 1-2 children need emergency medical care daily.

According to a study made within the Moldovan-Swiss project “Regionalization of the pediatric emergency and intensive care services in Moldova”, only 4.5% of those looking after children are aware of the risks posed by noxious substances, including drugs, to children.