
Chemical and biological waste from water are a threat to human health, expert


The water is polluted owing to the  big concentrations of chemical and biological waste that get into rivers and lakes. These are dangerous and pose a big threat to human health. The soil near water can also be polluted with pesticides and waste generated by households, said Ecaterina Kuharuk, manager of a project to ensure the protection of streams for a clean Black Sea in which the Republic of Moldova takes part through the ECO-TIRAS International Associations of River Keepers.

In a news conference at IPN, Ecaterina Kuharuk said that given the high temperatures, 2020 was favorable for the development of bacteria and alga in the water. The concentrations of phosphor and azote also contributed to this. The phosphor and azote reach the rivers through wastewater discharges. A big danger appears when the blue-green alga die as, when they decay, they absorb oxygen from the water and eliminate substances that are noxious for other creatures living in the water. The fish dies. The toxins are dangerous for humans too.

The pollution with micro-plastic is another problem mentioned by Ecaterina Kuharuk. There are particles that cannot be seen, but they are contained in hygiene and washing products. The micro-plastic gets into the water with the discharge of wastewater. The pollution also takes place through PET packing or plastic bags that end up in rivers and lakes.

Ecaterina Kuharuk noted the lake in the Chisinau Park “Valea Morilor” will become dead water if the water is not subject to biological cleaning. In Budești village of Chisinau municipality, she noticed a dead lake with an unpleasant smell. There were piles of waste, including dead animals, nearby. “The people do not understand that many chemicals near water are an incredible source of pollution,” she stated.

According to the expert, the chemical fertilizers used in hothouses near sources of water can pollute the water if they are misused. In almost 90% of wells, the water is unfit to drink as it is polluted by the households situated nearby.

The cleanness of the territory depends on the people and these should be informed about the danger of their actions. The project “Protecting streams for a clean Black Sea by reducing sediment and litter pollution with joint innovative monitoring and control tools and nature-based practices” that involves Moldova, which is represented by the ECO-TIRAS International Associations of River Keepers, will contribute to this.