
Charity for workers of “Bunatate” company


“The persons who form part of the Society of Invalids have the courage to work and thus the state must provide support to them. They lay emphasis not on subsidization, but on permanently providing them with work,” said MP Zinaida Greceanyi, who Friday visited the National Production and Invalid Training Company “Bunatate”, accompanied by a group of volunteers of the Foundation “Solutia”, Info-Prim Neo reports. The foundation offered the invalids 250 food packages on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities that is marked on December 3. The persons working at the company “Bunatate” make clothes for the army, border guards and the police and sew bedlinen for public institutions. “I think these people should be given priority when receiving state orders. The Group of Socialists will put forward amendments to the law on public procurement. Instead of paying them state compensations, they should be better provided with workplaces so that they are able to earn money,” said Zinaida Greceanyi. The company “Bunatate” employs 65 persons, 40 of whom are invalids with speaking and hearing impairments.