
Changes made to method of calculating pension for non-contributive childcare period


The size of pension for the period during which a person looking after a child younger than three does not pay contributions to the state budget will be calculated based on the average official monthly salary existing on the pension calculation day, says a bill that was given two readings by Parliament, IPN reports.

Currently, the given period is calculated based on the minimum official monthly salary. According to the bill authors and to the Council for Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuing the Equality, this provision disadvantages the women as there are perpetuated gender discrepancies given that the childcare leave is usually taken by mothers.

On August 1, 2019, the average pension for men was 2,278 lei, while for women – 1,688 lei or 75% of the average pension for men. According to the bill, the goal is to adjust the demographic stimulation policies to the social insurance policies so as to avoid gender-based discrimination.