
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tiraspol sued the Customs Service of Ukraine


Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Transnistrian Republic sued the Customs Service of Ukraine. According to Russian press, the CCI chairman of Tiraspol, Victor Guzun, announced that the service he runs considers illegal the actions of Ukrainian customs officers, who do not allow transits without customs documents issued by Moldova. Guzun also noted that 6 complaints are submitted at the court of Kotovski district, Ukraine, and 8 complaints – at the prosecution office of the same district. Beside this, CCI of Tiraspol sent letters with the appeal „to support it to get over the blockade" to the presidents of Belarus, Ukraine, and their representatives in Dnepropetovsk, Odessa, Herson and Sevastopol regions. In the same context, the press reportage mentions about an appeal of the CCI of the Russian Federation addressed to the leadership of Russia in order to provide assistance in solving the situation created in Transnistria after the 3d of March 2006. On the 3d of March a new customs regime was introduced at Moldovan-Ukrainian boundary, set by a mutual agreement signed between the prime ministers of Moldova and Ukraine. According to new regulations, Transnistrian goods are to transit the frontier only with Moldovan customs signs. Tiraspol and Moscow qualify these actions as “blockade of Transnistria” while the international community welcomes and supports it.