
Chairman of the Journalists’ Union suggests passing an equitable Audiovisual Code


The chairman of the Journalists’ Union from Moldova (UJM), Valeriu Saharneanu, appeals to all the journalist parliamentary members to influence the Parliament to pass an equitable Audiovisual Code. Saharneanu addressed them an open letter. “Taking into consideration the importance of the document for the Moldovan democracy, I appeal to your professional journalist capacity, as well to political figures – members of the Parliament, to use your position and your influence in order to work out together with the civil society an impartial legislative document, in line with European standarts, which could represent a true benefit for the public and also serve the national interests”, is presented in a document addressed to the deputies Angela Arama, Vlad Cubreacov, Stefan Secareanu, Iurie Rosca, Dumitru Diacov, Vitalia Pavlicenco, members of UJM. Secareanu writes that the structure of the new Code should be created in such a manner it could guarantee the independence of the Audiovisual Coordinating Council. “But it was shocking to discover that the new Code carries on the old formula of constituting CCA by which the participation of the civil society is purged. A similar project was presented by the media organizations to all the Parliamentary factions on May 3, 2005. This project passed the European Council expertise and offered a CCA constituting scheme that includes the participation of the civil society. According to the opinion of Secareanu, without introducing this stipulations, adopting the new Code „has no sense and will be the signal that shows the Parliament doesn’t want to proceed to a sincere and responsible implementation of the Moldova-EU action plan but instead cheats on it as in the case of the audiovisual public institution claimed to be guided by the law but unpardonable controlled by the government until the present days”. According to the president of UJM, this new affront implies definitive halt of the Republic of Moldova towards the European integration plans and that is a new national betrayal. In the note is mentioned that the project of the Audiovisual Code, approved by the parliament in first reading, didn’t take into consideration the opinion of the civil society. “It is an unjustified haste, because many articles of the project need essential changes in order to comply with European standards. The stipulations regarding the activity of the public audiovisual, broadcaster’s activity, CCA procedures of decision-taking and many other chapters are debatable being out of many important stipulations that would encourage investments.” The project of the audiovisual was for many times criticised by the mass-media NGO representatives and by the parliamentary factions.