
Censure motion against Leanca Government will not be supported, opinion


The censure motion against the Government headed by Iurie Leanca, put forward by the lawmakers of the Communist Party, will not be supported by the parliamentary majority and does not represent a danger to the current Cabinet, political analyst Anatol Taranu said in the program “Politica” on TV7 channel, IPN reports.

“The Government will not fall this time. The censure motion will not have an effect,” said Anatol Taranu. According to him, theoretically the motion can produce a result if MPs from other parties vote for it so that there are 51 votes in favor of it, but this is practically impossible now.

The leader of the People’s Force Party Nicolae Chirtoaca said the protests mounted by the Communist Party recently, including the censure motion against the Government, are nothing else but steps taken to attract voters. In order to achieve this goal, the Communists use all the possible instruments, including the Parliament’s rostrum.

Political analyst Igor Botan said the Government understands how important it is in this period to show that the coalition is successful, but the measures taken by the Cabinet to concede the Chisinau International Airport and to privatize Banca de Economii of Moldova made the people lose confidence in it.

The invitees to the program reached the conclusion that the Communist Party profits from the mistakes made by the Government because it wants to return to power at any cost. They consider that the PCRM’s actions are aimed at the election campaign.

On October 10, the Communist lawmakers submitted a censure motion against the Leanca Government. They accused the executive of trying to dispossess the state of Banca de Economii and the Chisinau International Airport. The motion was signed by 27 Communist MPs and is to be examined in the first sitting of Parliament next week.