
CEC members to monitor parliamentary elections in 3 European states


Members of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) will take part, during the next 6 months, in monitoring parliamentary elections in Latvia, Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to CEC decision, published in the „Official Monitor of Moldova”, these provisions were included in the Activity Agenda of the Commission for 2006. Thus, by 2 CEC members will attend the elections in Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina, held in October, and other 2 will participate in Austria, in November, in order to monitor the parliamentary elections of this country. CEC Activity Agenda also stipulates the participation of the chairman of the central electoral authority, Eugen Stirbu, in the Annual Conference of the central-Eastern Europe Electoral Officials Association, held in August in Latvia, and 3 members of the Commission will pay a visit to Romania in September. Other 2 activities were included in CEC agenda: organization the “Young Elector’s Day” in November, and and publishing the „Electoral Employee’s Guide”. According to the Plan approved on 31 January, in the second half of 2006, CEC shall select and train the staff performing financial records of the circumscription electoral councils and electoral offices of the voting sections; shall draft the Deontological Code of Electoral Candidates. At the same time, the Commission plans to train the representatives of the local public administration who will select the staff for the activity of the electoral bodies etc.