
CEC intends to transfer back about 8m lei saved in elections


The Central Election Commission (CEC) asked for permission to transfer back a sum of 7.940,17 million lei that was saved during the organization and conducting of the snap parliamentary elections of July 11 to the Government’s reserve fund, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Commission says that almost 5 million lei was saved on the remuneration of CEC functionaries and persons contracted to work during the electoral period, on the acquisition of electoral materials and documents, including ballots whose purchase price was lower than estimated, on services to welcome and serve official delegations, on transport services and on other types of costs that were abandoned or could be reduced significantly.

Also, the Center for Continuous Electoral Training saved 677,000 lei planned for remunerating trainers and for buying supplies as the training courses were held online.

The district councils saved almost 2.5 million lei on allowances paid to electoral functionaries of precinct electoral bureaus, on fuel and on trips.

For the organization and conducting of the snap parliamentary elections of July 11, 2021, the Central Election Commission was allocated 92.468,0 million lei. It effectively used 84.527,83 million lei.