
CEC criticizes mayors, mayors complain of intimidation


The voter rolls remain to be of “very poor quality” because the mayors, who are in charge of compiling them, are irresponsible, stated Central Election Commission Chair Eugeniu Stirbu, at a meeting of the mayors with PM Vlad Filat on Wednesday. The mayors, in turn, have their own objections. Eugeniu Stirbu was irritated by the poor job of the mayor's offices in drawing up the electoral lists and by their failure to transmit digitalized rolls for 1,070 out of the total of 2,035 polling stations. The CEC chairman warned the mayors that the electoral lists for the 2011 local general elections should be improved. “In the opposite case, you will be held accountable”, said Stirbu. Mayor Vladimir Paladi of Criuleni town said the mayor's offices receive flawed voter rolls from the State Enterprise Registru in the first place. “I'd appreciate if you didn't intimidate us. There are dead people in many lists that we receive from Registru. Even if we strike those names off, next time we request the lists, we find them there again. That happens because the death certificates are taken to the National Social Insurance Corporation and they don't handle them properly”, complained the mayor. CEC Secretary Iurie Ciocan argued that the mayors, especially in small communities, know the respective village's population and can better keep the record of the deceased or of the migrants, and advised the mayors to double-check the lists from Registru before printing them. On September 5 Moldova will hold a constitutional referendum in which the voters will be asked to answer whether or not they agree with the introduction of the direct popular vote for the president.