
CEC agrees rules of voting in snap elections for several categories of citizens


The voters who do not have registration at the domicile or whose residence expired can vote at any polling station where they will be put on additional voter rolls. This category of voters is obliged to fill out and sign an own responsibility statement concerning refraining from multiple voting. If the voter has both domicile and residence, while the residence is valid they vote at the pooling station that corresponds to the residency. The Central Election Commission (CEC) on June 22 agreed the voting particularities for a number of categories of citizens for the July 11 snap parliamentary elections, IPN reports.

Under the same decision, the students eligible to vote who study at an education institution in a settlement in which they do not have registration at the domicile or residence can vote at any polling station opened in this settlement. They are obliged to present the identity card with the accompanying loose leaf and the student’s card of the education institution of the given settlement and to fill out and sign an own responsibility statement concerning refraining from multiple voting.

The voters who on the election day are in hospitals or health resorts that are located elsewhere than in the permanent place of residence can vote on additional voter rolls if the given institutions are situated close to another polling station than the one at which the voter is listed according to the valid domicile or residence or by being put on lists for voting at the place of stay if the given institutions are situated within the area covered by the polling station at which the voter is listed.

The persons held based on an arrest warrant until a court judgment is passed, the persons whose conviction is not definitive, those who are under arrest for an administrative offense, the persons sentenced to jail by definitive court judgment, those who are held in jail in a settlement where they do not have registration at the domicile or residence can vote by being included in additional voter rolls or in lists for voting at the place of stay.

The persons who do the military service can vote in the snap parliamentary elections at polling stations in the settlement where the military unit is situated, being put on additional voter rolls.

The mentioned categories of voters are added to the additional lists two weeks before the election day and until 6pm of the day prior to the election day.

Only the voters with symptoms of COVID-19 can vote at the place of stay on the election day, until 3pm, without being obliged to present a medical certificate.