The Constitutional Court (CC) on December 13 will validate or invalidate the results of the November 13 presidential runoff. As it was announced earlier, such a meeting is held after all the complaints filed to courts of law over the elections are dealt with.
Contacted by IPN, Eduard Digore, the lawyer who represents the plaintiffs in the case of “Diaspora vs Moldova”, said the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice declared inadmissible the diaspora’s lawsuit against the state over violation of the right to vote in the presidential elections.
The CC said that for technical reasons, only the public TV channel Moldova 1 and the portal will have access to the Court and will ensure the live broadcast of the public meeting. For security reasons and in order to ensure the proper conduct of the meeting, access to the CC will be based on invitations. The persons unauthorized by the CC will not have access to the institution.
The association “Honor, Dignity and Homeland” (ODIP) has announced that it will mount a protest at the Constitutional Court and will demand that the election results should be invalidated for the reason that the elections were rigged by violating the right to vote.