
CC says when it will examine application concerning Russian loan


The Constructional Court accepted the challenges concerning the law on the provision of the Russian loan and decided to merge them. The public hearing where these will be examined was set for May 7, 10:15am, IPN reports.

The agreement on the provision of a €200 million loan by Russia to Moldova was ratified by Parliament last week. The CC suspended the agreement until the case is fully examined following an application filed by Pro Moldova parliamentary group member Sergiu Sîrbu.

MPs of the PPPDA and PAS also challenged provisions of the given law.

Also on May 7, at 10am, the CC will pronounce its ruling concerning the interpretation of article 72 paragraph (3) letter a) of the Constitution based on an application submitted by MPs Sergiu Litvinenco, Alexandru Slusari and Vasile Bolea on October 2019, by which these asked the Court to decide based on what electoral system the eventual snap parliamentary elections should be held given that the mixed electoral system was abolished and the proportional representation system was restored.