
CC asked to pronounce on right to receive salary at least equal to minimum subsistence level


The parliamentary group of the Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) requested the Constitutional Court to pronounce on the citizens’ right to receive a salary at least equal to the minimum subsistence level. Also, the PAS MPs intend to introduce a bill to raise the minimum salary, IPN reports.

“We request the High Court to determine if it is constitutional for the people to receive now salaries that are not enough to cover at least their basic necessities, such as food, clothes, footwear or medical services. We take this step because there are thousands of people in this country who work and get a minimum salary lower than the minimum subsistence level,” MP Dan Perciun stated in a press briefing.

The MP noted that most of these salary earners work for state institutions, doing essential work as cooks, drivers, keepers, etc. For their work, they are paid gross salaries lower than 2,235 lei. Thus, an hour of work done by these people costs less than 12 lei.

According to him, there is a minimum expenditure basket that should be ensured by the state, regardless of the existing economic capacities. The PAS MPs consider the minimum salary should be of at least 4,000 lei.

“The first step we take – we go to the Constitutional Court to see if we can formulate that argument from constitutional viewpoint and if the Court rules in our favor. Regardless of the Court’s decision, we will come up with a bill to modify the minimum salary in the Republic of Moldova and the method of calculating this and to bring things in this area in order,” stated Dan Perciun.