
CB „MOBIASBANCA - Groupe Société Générale” S.A. openned a new office in Balti


On Tuesday, 23rd June, 2015, European bank Mobiasbanca invited its partners and clients, representatives of local authorities, to celebrate the opening of the new headquaters of branch no. 11 in Balti city.

The new edifice is arranged according to Groupe Société Générale standards and offers a full range of banking services for both individuals and for corporate clients. The clients are served through universal desk counters and customers advicers. Also, for the clients comodity, the branch is equipped with an ATM for cash withdrawal operations. Within the opening, the clients who visited the unit and made operations in this day received promotional gifts. To be underlined the fact that, in the process of building of the new edifice of the branch,  were involved exlusively local companies, located in Balti. The new premises of the branch is located on the 68, Stefan cel Mare street.

The official openning ceremony started traditionaly with the red ribbon cutting, and the message of president of the bank, Mr. Ridha Tekaia: „The opening of this branch marks the strategic importance of the North region of Moldova and commitment of Mobiasbanca for the economic development of the region. We want to be a reliable partner and develop long lasting relationships with customers, being recognized for supporting entrepreneurship and local authorities projects. I have full confidence in the commitment of each member of the team that will provide high quality services to the clients and partners of the bank. I wish you success in your new home and better results”.

Mobiasbanca is a strategic partner for the society, supporting social initiatives in the field of culture, environment or sport. In Balti the bank supported financing of local authorities’ project of road lighting, Medical Center "Incomed" and public private partnership between "Imunotehmed" and the municipal hospital. A special project suported by the president of the bank, Ridha Tekaia represent the social enterprise, manual therapy center "San Tao" in which persons with visual disabilities provide massage services and manual therapy.

CB “MOBIASBANCA - Groupe Société Générale” S.A. is a universal commercial bank, serving over 118.000 clients, including corporate clients, SMEs and individuals through a network of 56 units. In 2015, Mobiasbanca celebrates 25 years of activity in the Republic of Moldova. This remains the first and only bank in Moldova to hold the quality certificate ISO 9001:2008, following the commitment to offer its clients quality products and services, permanently improving their satisfaction level. The Bank is a subsidiary of international company Société Générale, one of the largest financial institutions in Europe.

CB „MOBIASBANCA - Groupe Société Générale” S.A.

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