
Cause of death of three young people from Hâncești established


The medical-legal examination showed what happened to the three young people who were found dead in a house in the municipality of Hâncești on December 17 last year. Press officer of the Hâncești Police Inspectorate Cristina Vicol has told IPN that the two men aged 25 and the 21-year-old woman suffered carbon monoxide poisoning.

According to Cristina Vicol, the medical-legal examination reports say the three got poisoned by fumes emitted by the heater installed in the house. The young people, who didn’t have signs of violent death on the bodies, drank alcoholic beverages and ate at the place. No toxic substances were found in the food and drinks.

One of the two men returned from abroad a day before. The other man was a cab driver, while the young woman worked as a dispatcher at the taxi company.