
Cast iron manhole lids continue to be stolen in Chisinau


The number of thefts of cast iron manhole lids in Chisinau has considerably increased. According to the public utility SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau”, selling such lids is a profitable business, but the illegalities endanger residents’ lives and the integrity of the water supply and sewerage networks, IPN reports.

The company said that 132 lids were stolen in 2015. In 1999-2015, the number of such thefts rose to 4 235. The damage caused to the company amounts to almost 5 million lei, by 310,000 lei on average a year.

SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau calls on the residents of Chisinau municipality to inform the company’s representatives on 022-25-66-66, 022-85-77-77 or to write a message to the email address acc@acc.md if they see lids being absent or attempts to steal these.

There are about 100,000 manholes covered with cast iron or reinforced concrete lids in Chisinau municipality. SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau” pays about 1,300 lie for a lid.