
CALM asks to stop exerting pressure on LPAs and to discuss subject within SSC


The Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova (CALM) asks to stop the pressure exerted on the local public authorities and not to engage the inspection bodies of the state in the election campaign. In an appeal, the CALM says the local elected officials ascertain new democratic backsliding at state institutions, these becoming again an instrument in the fight against inconvenient mayors. The Congress asks to include this issue in the agenda of the Supreme Security Council, IPN reports.

In their call, the local elected officials express their profound concern and indignation at the actions of some of the state authorities responsible for ensuring law and order and financial control. In the electoral period, these initiated and carry out a series of inspections at tens of mayors, on the instruction of electoral contenders. The signatories refer in particular to the bodies managed by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the National Anticorruption Center and the Ministry of Finance.

The CALM asks to stop all the actions to intimidate and press the mayors. It calls on the election contenders to distance themselves from and to condemn such abusive actions on the part of state institutions and urges the Council of Europe and the development partners of the Republic of Moldova to monitor these cases and the observance of the international commitments undertaken by Moldova in the field of local democracy.