The automated information system of the 112 Service is optimized by a Norwegian company. The actions come to improve communication between the 112 operators and the intervention crews. Improvements are also planned as regards the location of callers, Ana Carpovici, public relations specialist of the 112 Service, has told IPN.
The innovative "Omda Incident" solution, implemented by the Norwegian company OMDA, will offer the possibility of updating the system to manage calls faster. Certain data will be improved, including with reference to location. A better connection between the 112 operators and the intervention crews will be ensured. The software of the information system will be configured to make it as functional and performing as possible.
Earlier, the "Caller Location 112" tool was integrated into the CoordCom application, where the voice call is taken over. It allows the location of the caller at the time of the emergency call, using GPS data and telecommunication networks. It significantly optimizes the capacity to plan and allocate resources by providing a clear picture of the location of incidents, reducing the response time of intervention teams.