
Call Center for presidential elections launched


Voters can find out information about the polling place where they can cast their ballot, the voting procedure and other particularities of the October 30 presidential elections through the Call Center launched by the Center for Continuous Electoral Training in partnership with the Central Election Commission. Thus, the Center’s operators will daily provide consultancy and assistance in electoral matters, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Center says the people can find out what rights they have and how they can deal with different situations related to the electoral procedures, like, for example, how to vote elsewhere than at the place of domicile, how they can file challenges or can view the electoral registers.

The Call Center’s operators will provide information to all those who will call on (+373) 22 88 01 01, including voters, electoral functionaries and representatives of electoral competitors. The phone line works from Monday through Friday, between 8am and 5p, while on Saturdays and Sundays – between 9am and 5m.

A similar service was made available during the previous two elections. More than 30,000 incoming and outgoing calls were made to the phone line in the last local general elections.

The Center for Continuous Electoral Training under the Central Election Commission is a public institution that trains electoral functionaries able to organize free and fair elections, in accordance with the international norms, and other players interested in the election process.