
Cabinet approves mechanisms for implementing law on unitary salary system


The method of calculating and reporting the salaries of budget-funded employees in accordance with the new unitary salary system was approved by the executive on December 12, IPN reports.

The length of services for setting the pay grades will be determined according to the categories of employees in the budgetary sector, namely: public functionaries, teachers, medical personnel, staff of diplomatic service, employees with a special status in the defense system and public order sector.

The method of calculating the average monthly salary until the salary law is implemented was also agreed.

When the reform is done, none of the budget-funded employees will have a pay lower than 2,000 lei. Also, the difference between the first and last pay grades will be of 15 grades, as opposed to 33 at present. The salaries of all the budget-funded employees will be raised, including of those from education, health and social assistance. A sum of 3.9 billion lei will be needed in 2019-2021 to implement the law.