The Government approved changes to over 30 articles of the Labor Code. The amendments were worked out by a group of specialists of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, representatives of employers and trade unions, with the involvement of representatives of the State Labor Inspectorate, IPN reports.
Under the bill, the collective work contracts or the individual work contracts will stipulate the possibility of compensating the additional working hours with free paid hours.
The employees will be exempted from the obligation to present documents that are inappropriate for the employer on employment. Also, the employees will keep their job and the average salary while away for periodical medical examinations. The salary earner who intends to adopt a child will be able to ask for unpaid leave for at most 90 days.
The employer will be able to temporarily transfer the salary earner, with their written consent, to another job within the same unit, by keeping the main job.
The unit managers will also be able to transfer some of the nonworking or working days to other days. In the case of authorities and public institutions, this right belongs to the Government.