
Bulgaria is waiting for Moldova to make proposals for donations


Bulgaria is waiting for Moldova to make proposals for donations, stated Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev on Thursday, February 14, while on his first official visit to Moldova. As an EU member state, Bulgaria is entitled to act as a donor country, and Moldova, alongside Georgia and Armenia, has been named as a potential recipient of Bulgarian donations, Stanishev explained. Stanishev noted that the friendship relations between Bulgaria and Moldova have a huge potential, while his country is an advocate for Moldova’s EU aspirations and appreciates its efforts in harmonising the legislation to the EU acquis. To support Moldova’s European integration efforts, Bulgaria will send experts who will assist Moldovan specialists in improving the legislation regulating public administration, environment, transport, and other key sectors. As for the trade relations, the Bulgarian Premier said that although, statistically speaking, the volume of trade exchange between our countries has doubled over the past year, the figure of $70m is still modest despite the great potential. According to him, the Bulgarian businessmen that wanted to attend the Moldo-Bulgarian Forum, scheduled for Friday, February 15, have been more in number than those included in the delegation. Sergei Stanishev stated that there is a great interest in bringing Bulgarian investments to Moldova, while both governments have committed themselves to encourage bilateral trade and other economic relations. Stanishev added that Bulgarian investments could be successfully used in Moldova in such areas as agrifood, infrastructure, energy, tourism, industry, constructions, environment, and the banking sector. Speaking on another important aspect of the Moldo-Bulgarian relations, Stanishev said that the Bulgarian government appreciates very much the attitude of Moldova towards the Bulgarian communities established here, which he called “a strong chain in our friendship”. In his words, it is very important that the Bulgarians in Moldova have the possibility to develop their cultural identity and learn in their mother tongue. That is why the governments of both countries have agreed to further support the Taraclia State University. Concluding his speech, Sergei Stanishev declared that Bulgaria will do its best to make travelling easier for Moldovan citizens, mentioning that the first step to this effect has been taken by ensuring a visa-free transit through Bulgaria for the Moldovans.