Budgets of territorial administrative units registered growth in revenue
In the period January 1 - July 30, all components of the territorial administrative units registered growth in revenue, in the sum of 3.2 billion lei, by 26.9 million or 4.1% more than the planned amount.
Compared to the previous period, revenue registered a growth of 766.1 million lei, or 31%.
Of the total sum of revenue of the territorial administrative units’ budgets, own revenue for units was 1.6 billion lei, with a growth of 21.5% compared to the plan for the reporting period.
For the first seven months of the year, budgetary expenses for territorial administrative units made up approximately 3.01 billion lei, or 76.4% of the forecasts. Compared to the similar period last year, the expenses increased by 432.2 million lei, or 16.4%.