
BSEC Organisation intends to build a ring road around Black See


Moldova will participate in building a highway that will connect the network of European roads with Asia. This subject was brought up for discussion as part of the visit to Moldova of the Secretary General of the Permanent International Secretariat of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Organisation, Leonidas Chrysantopoulos. During a briefing organised in Chisinau on Wednesday, January 24, Chrysantopoulos announced he had meetings with a number of officials in Moldova. The discussions aimed at the two projects – to build a ring road covering 7100 km, which will bond the network of European roads with the Asiatic one, and to develop the sea lines by building seaports, - projects that are designed to connect the sea transport with the land transport. Referring to the first project, BSEC official said that the road will cover the territories of 10 member states of the organisation and will lead to the consolidation of the trade relations with the member states and to the development of tourism. After having the memorandum signed with all participating states, there will be created a coordinating committee that will request the participating states to present the necessary expenditure estimates for carrying out the project in the respective country. The level of expenditures that could be covered by the respective country and expenses that will be covered by international organisations will be decided later. Vice Foreign Minister Valeriu Ostalep said that at national level an inter-ministerial working group has been created in this regard in Moldova. The group will work out the project regarding the necessary expenses and the route the ring road will follow, he mentioned. The Black See Economic Cooperation (BSEC) was officially launched by signing the Statement in Istanbul on June 25, 1992. The BSEC organisation, which became a regional structure of cooperation in economy, was founded on April 30, 1999, at the BSEC Meeting of Foreign Ministers in Tbilisi. BSEC Organisation has received the status of UN Observer on October, 1999.