
Briefness first and foremost – November 26, 2018 IPN digest


Those who forget their history do not have a future. Prime Minister Pavel Filip took part in an international forum held in Kiev to commemorate the victims of the Holodomor, the famine that was artificially organized by the Stalinist regime in Ukraine in 1932-1933.

The Premier said “we are now all obliged to remember the tragedies of the past so as to be able to assess the present and to look into the future. We, in the Republic of Moldova, realize your pain as we experienced similar tragedies at the end of the 1940s, when hundreds of thousands of people died because of the organized famine at that time. These wounds are still bleeding, but they are our wounds and they are part of what we are at present.” In Moldova, the commemoration of the victims of the famine of 1946 – 1947 became an element of the national culture, as the Holodomor did in Ukraine.

Who do you think most intensely promote hate speech in the public sphere in the Republic of Moldova? Most often the politicians and representatives of the mass media.

According to the author of the study Dumitru Sliusarenko, lawyer for “Promo-LEX” Association, during the monitoring that lasted for half a year there were identified 457 cases of hate speech or cases of promoting intolerance in public, most often in TV programs, youtube channels affiliated to different political, religious and other kinds of groups. Men used hate speech most often, in 88% of cases. “Most of the politicians or religious figures are men, but this does not excuse the proportion,” stated Dumitru Sliusarenko.

Presents for newborns, rows of manographs and stopping up of teeth in Moldova’s villages look like Christmas tales as the healthcare expenditure in the Republic of Moldova in percentage of the Gross Domestic Product is 2.2 times lower than the average in the EU. In absolute terms, the costs per capita in Moldova are 9.5 times lower than the average in the EU, economist of the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul” Veaceslav Ioniță noted in the publication Trend Hunter. According to the expert, the average in the EU is 9.6% of the GDP, with Romania allocating the least for healthcare  – 5.2% of the GDP. Outside the EU, only Turkey in 2017 allocated less than Moldova.

Used to politicians’ tricks, the IPN Experts do not share the optimism emitted by Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Iurie Leancă, who said that the European Union could resume the provision of macro-financial assistance to our country after the parliamentary elections of February 2019. The official’s statements reminded them of December 2014, when the success story suddenly turned into a regression story and the culminant point of the decline in the relations with the EU was witnessed this year. The two resolutions of the European Parliament, of July and of November, leave no room for interpretations – the regression in Moldova’s relations with the EU reached the critical point. The reports produced by specialized institutions of the development partners show:

- the election runners can be removed from the race right before the elections based on suppositions that aren’t confirmed later;
- clone parties that use the symbols of other parties are allowed to steal voters and are removed from the political circuit only after the elections;
- the people’s constitutional right to initiate a referendum is hampered for invented reasons of a technical character;
- the election results can be annulled in an arbitrary way;
- the provisions of the electoral legislation can be modified right before the election campaign, ignoring the Code of Good Practices;
- the recommendations of the Venice Commission and the OSCE based on which the EU formulates its attitude to the democratic processes in Moldova are easily ignored by the Moldovan authorities, etc.

Ready to rub salt into the wound, the Socialists said: “All the political forces that ruled then are responsible for the theft, namely the Democratic Party, the Liberal-Democratic Party and the Liberal Party and their satellites.”

The party demands to completely investigate the banking fraud, to criminally punish all those to blame and return the money to the state budget and to confiscate their property. It reiterated that if the parties whose representatives directly or indirectly took part in the theft remain in power, an objective investigation will not be conducted, those to blame will not be punished, the stolen money will not be recovered and the people will have to further pay for this theft.

The Movement “Professionalism and Responsibility for the People” (PRO) harshly appraised the institutional capacities of the government. The Republic of Moldova needs the union with Romania as it didn’t distinguish itself as a state and does not have the capacity to manage itself. If it units with Romania, the Republic of Moldova will integrate into the EU and will join NATO and will this way ensure the economic, social, energy and national security, members of the Movement stated in a news conference at IPN.

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