
Briefness first and foremost - November 22, 2018 IPN digest


The Republic of Moldova and Romania, in the common meeting of the Governments held in Bucharest on November 22, signed a series of bilateral agreements in such areas as tourism, education and healthcare. There was also signed a common statement on the abolition of roaming charges between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Moldova.

On December 1 this year, in connection with the celebration of the Great Union Centenary, the phone conversations between Moldova and Romania will be charged at national tariffs. The Republic of Moldova and Romania pledged to prepare the Treaty on the abolition of roaming fees between the two countries in the immediate period.

Prime Minister Pavel Filip said declaring oneself for the union is now a trend in Chisinau and many parties undertake this desideratum, but not only the statements ensure the rapprochement, but also concede projects. After the joint meeting of the Governments of Moldova and Romania that was held in Bucharest on November 22, Pavel Filip said: “We want common integrated infrastructure. This rapprochement, this union should take place through the interconnection of infrastructure in different areas. We should integrate our transport, electronic communications and media systems and also the security, education and culture systems”.

Nevertheless, of the 23% of Euro-unionist voters, only 6% decided which of the pro-Romanian parties existing in Moldova to vote for and will take part in the upcoming parliamentary elections. This shows the Euro-unionists will be unable to propel their political representatives in the next legislature, stated political analyst Anatol Țăranu.

It would be an illusion to believe in the swift resuscitation of the “success story”. Amid the preparations for the meeting of the Moldova – EU Association Committee that is to take place in Brussels on November 29, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said it is important to maximally profit from this occasion to inform the European institutions about the measures taken to fulfil the undertaken commitments following the operational conclusions adopted at last year’s meeting of the Association Committee. “We have no other path and objective than the integration of the Republic of Moldova into the EU,” stated the Premier.

Romania will devote increased attention to the Republic of Moldova in the dialogue with the EU member states when Romania takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union on January 1, 2019, President of the Senate of Romania Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu assured in a meeting with Prime Minister Pavel Filip in Bucharest.

Moldova’s Parliament gave a first reading to the Code of Parliamentary Rules and Procedures that regulates the method of organizing and functioning of Parliament, the legal relations between Parliament and other authorities and defines the status of MP and parliamentary functionary. Under the draft code, the oath taken by the MPs will also include a variant without a religious formulation. Thus, the oath will end with: “God help me in this!” or “I swear on my honor and conscience”. Socialist MP Vasile Bolea said the oath should include the MP’s promise not to switch from one group to another so as to meet the expectations of the people who voted for them.

The MPs also want to please the pensioners. The pensions set before January 1, 2019, which are lower than the minimum subsistence level of 1,589 lei, will be increased by 10%. The MPs on November 22 adopted the draft law on additional financial support after giving it a second reading.

According to the authors, the old-age pensions will now rise by 115 lei on average, the disability pension by 101 lei on average, while the pensions of service members and their family members by 123 lei.

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