
Briefness first and foremost – November 2, 2018 IPN dige


Being fully aware that the electoral base of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova consists of nostalgic people, MP Vlad Batrîncea on NTV channel said one party should come to power and the Republic of Moldova no longer needs government coalitions because this will lead to the disappearance of the state... What can be said here. After the USSR disappeared and the statehood of the empire was taken over by the Russian Federation, we can presume that the fall of one regime or another in Chisinau bears no relation to Moldova’s statehood.

The right adopted another approach. According to the president of the PLDM Tudor Deliu, the PAS and PPDA offered the Lib-Dems to delegate several persons to be put on the common list of candidates of the electoral bloc that will be formed by the two parties, but the PDM hasn’t yet decided what to do. The method of participation by the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova in the upcoming parliamentary elections will be decided in the November 11 meeting of the party’s National Political Council. They could then return to the ‘sting’ formula as a method of forming electoral alliance.

In the rulers’ camp, the anticipated fabulous prospects seem to be coming true. Under the new rules for organizing primary medical assistance, the family doctors will have salaries of at least 30,000 lei a month from the day they will start work in localities, Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection Silvia Radu stated in the program “Moldova live” on Moldova 1 channel.

Programs coordinator of the Center for Health Policies and Studies Gennady Țurcanu said the focus on the organizational reform does not bring the expected results if the other components of the reform are not implemented. “In particular, regulations to ensure the quality of services should be worked out. I didn’t see such regulations. The list is unclear and the description of these services is absent,” stated the expert.

The reporthttps://ipn.md/en/politica/94518 on the analysis, examination and assessment of the electoral legislation based on which the Chisinau early mayoral elections were invalidated was made public, but the impression that the democratic instruments are used to hide injustices remains.

The Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Peter Michalko, in the talk show “In Depth” on ProTV Chisinau channel, said the Moldovan authorities have all the instruments needed to correct the situation related to the invalidation of the Chisinau local mayoral elections. He referred to legislative and administrative instruments. “The will of the citizens from Chisinau is not respected. Chisinau does not have the mayor it elected,” said the ambassador.

The diplomat noted the justice sector in the Republic of Moldova should be subject to a profound radical reform so as to ensure the independence of the judiciary and a number of laws should be adopted in this regard. A part of these went through Parliament, but other laws are yet to be passed. “For example, the amendment to the Constitution that would bring more independence to judges wasn’t adopted and this process stagnates in Parliament. There is also another law in the process of adoption in Parliament. The EU always said that changes should be made as they are for the citizens,” stated Peter Michalko.

Also, the ambassador said it is not enough to adopt laws and these should also applied.

The commission of inquiry for elucidating the circumstances of the possible interference by the Foundation “Otwarty Dialog” (“Open Dialogue”) and its founder Ludmila Kozlowska in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova and of the financing of particular political parties started to question the responsible authorities on November 2. The hearings are held behind closed doors.

After the first day of hearings, the commission ascertained there were not one, but several foreign NGOs that carried out activities that can be classed as contrary to Moldova’s laws and as inference in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova. There are also elements of illegal financing of political organizations and politicians. Besides the group of NGOs formed around the Foundation “Open Dialog”, the collected information points also to the possible involvement of a number of companies in this case.

The parliamentary commission continues work.

The head of the Moldovan diplomatic service in an interview for Radio Free Europe said the military exercises that take place in the Transnistrian region, on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, are a provocation...Or maybe the component of a hybrid war that has lasted since 1989?

Meanwhile, Moldova’s Ambassador in Berlin Oleg Serebrian prepares to launch his new the novel, “Woldemar”, in Bucharest on November 16. Congrats!

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