
Briefness first and foremost – May 13, 2019 IPN digest


The developments in Moldova point to the achievement of minimum cohabitation between the distinct geopolitical symbolism promoted by Russia and the one coming from the EU member states. The political forces show more courage for becoming engaged in the promotion of the pro-European narrative than for making common cause against discrimination against the LGBT group, politicla npundit Dionis Cenușa notes in a feature article for IPN agency entitled “Intersection of geopolitical symbols in Moldova: between Soviet past and rights of sexual minorities”. According to him, except for the Socialists, who make effort to discredit the sexual minorities and eulogize the church, the other key political forces (PDM and the components of the Bloc ACUM – PAS and Platform DA) have major complexes in supporting the church or pleading for human rights.

“Expansionary fiscal policy measures adopted in 2018 - tax cuts, an increase in wages and public transfers - and constantly increasing financial intermediation activity will underpin growth in 2019. At the same time, lower growth in remittances and higher inflation that erode the disposable income will decelerate growth to 3.4 percent, from 4 percent in 2018”, WB economist Marcel Chistruga stated when presenting the study “Moldova Economic Update”. The economy is projected to grow by 3.6 percent in 2020 and as the growth of the main trade partners strengthens, growth in Moldova will reach 3.8 percent by 2021.

Prime Minister Pavel Filip is paying a working visit to Brussels during May 13-14. There, he will take part in the events that will be held to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and will deliver a speech at the High-Level Conference centering on the anniversary. To mark the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership, a series of high-level gatherings will take place on May 13 and 14, 2019 in Brussels with the participation of the six Eastern partner countries, EU Member States and other stakeholders.

Claus Neukirch, head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, welcomed the decision by the Transnistrian de facto authorities to retract a decree pronouncing the right-bank Varnița village under temporary occupation by Moldova. ”It is of paramount importance for the Sides to stay on the course of pragmatic solutions and constructive interaction as has been recently demonstrated also by the Moldovan Side in the case of Moldova Steel Works in Transdniestria (MMZ)”, added Claus Neukirch.

If snap parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, 27.3% of the citizens would vote for the Party of Socialists, 16.9% for the Democratic Party, 16.7% for the Political Bloc ACUM DA PAS and 4.1% for the Shor Party, shows the May 2019 Vox Populi survey that covered a sample of 1,189 respondents from 89 localities. 28.6% of those surveyed said the solution to the current political crisis is a coalition between the Socialists and the Democrats, 27.0% - a coalition between the Socialists and the Bloc ACUM, while 7.3% noted a coalition between the Democrats and ACUM. Each fourth respondent considers the elections in Moldova are free and fair, while 66% disagree with this.

The household debt in 2018 reached 9.2% of the Gross Domestic Product, but this year will come close to 11% of the GDP. Most probably, this year or in at most two-three years, the value of loans released to private individuals will exceed the value of loans provided to legal entities. Moldova actively enters the era of loan-driven consumption and the financial institutions should accelerate the launch of their products on the market so as not to lose the market share, said economist Veaceslav Ioniță.

Eight underground passages have been planned to be reconstructed in the capital city this year. The municipality allocated 10 million lei for the purpose. As to the Shor Party’s announcement about its willingness to renovate the underground passages in Botanica district, the acting mayor said he hasn’t yet seen a relevant request made to the municipal authorities, but heard about such an intention from press reports. A number of business entities expressed their readiness to repair and maintain underground passages after the municipality issued them with notices concerning the termination of the contracts for the rent of commercial areas in such passageways.

Following the synchronized, sudden and substantial rise in potato prices from 7-8 lei to 16-17 lei per kg, a number of MPs of the Bloc ACUM sent a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, the Competition Council and the National Bureau of Statistics. They suspect the rises are due to cartel agreements between a narrow group of importers. “Someone, under the cover of the authorities, try to make superprofit at the expense of the poorest people,” runs the letter.

In reply, the National Food Safety Agency said potato prices on the domestic market were influenced by the decrease of about 2,000 hectares in the areas planted with potatoes during the past three years, with production declining from 214,000 to 175,000 tonnes. It noted agrifood products can be imported freely if the food security and plant health requirements are observed.

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