
Briefness first and foremost - January 24, 2019 IPN digest


The Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Chisinau Oleg Vasnetsov was invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in connection with press reports about the opening of a ‘representative office’ of Transnistria in Moscow. “The status of ‘official representative office’ has a defining significance for the context of the diplomatic relations and damage is thus caused to the bilateral Moldovan-Russian relations. Such actions undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. The administration of the Russian Federation openly and unequivocally pleaded in favor of respecting the aforementioned principles not only once,” the Ministry said in a press release.

Moldova’s economy is now based on consumption, import and foreign loans. Our country does not produce and lives at the expense of the whole world, stated Socialist MP Vladimir Golovatiuc. According to him, from October 1, 2009 until September 31, 2018, the Republic of Moldova received over US$ 11 billion in loans and grants. Of this sum, the loans represented US$ 6.8 billion.

Over 90% of the state-owned shares in the tobacco company Tutun-CTC were sold to the foreign capital enterprise “Le Bridge Corporation Limited”. The buyer pledged to develop and optimize the company’s work, to implement technologies and introduce modern equipment. It will keep the company’s specialty and trademarks and the workplaces of qualified personnel and will ensure labor security.

“Elections in plain words” from IPN: consultative referendum. In the referendum, the voters will answer with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ two questions: if they want the number of MPs to be reduced from 101 to 61, and if they want the MPs to be recalled if these do not fulfil their duties. The results of the referendum of February 24 will be consultative in character and imply no immediate action. The costs for holding the upcoming plebiscite were estimated at over 10 million lei.

The Euro-Unionist Convention gave up running in elections as an electoral contender, but will support the unionist candidates in a number of single-member constituencies. In a news conference at IPN, Valentin Dolganiuc, a member of Moldova’s first Parliament, read a memorandum of the Convention and called on the administration of the electoral bloc ACUM not to allow the fragmentation of the vote of the Euro-unionist electorate and to withdraw the candidates who are not on eligible places on lists in single-member constituencies where there are other candidates of the right with bigger chances of winning the elections. He also called upon the voters to boycott the consultative referendum that, according to the Euro-Unionist Convention, is an instrument for polishing up the spoiled image of the ruling party and this encroaches upon the human rights and freedoms.

The Central Election Commission has registered two more parties as contenders in the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019. These are the National Liberal Party, which has 40 candidates on the list in the national constituency, and the People’s Will Party with 30 candidates.

So far the CEC registered nine electoral competitors and is examining six more files.

A volume entitled “Great union of Romanians of 1918. Bibliographic contributions” was launched at the National Library. The research covered the chronological period of World War One and the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, where the union documents were recognized.

National Library director Elena Pintilei said the work is designed for history researchers and those interested in the union act, the truth about the evolution of events. “It is an exhaustive work that puts valuable materials of our libraries in the bibliographic and historical circuit,” stated Elena Pintilei.

The suspended minister of agriculture, regional development and environment Nicolae Ciubuc said the agricultural forecasts for 2019 are rather optimistic. “In the conditions in which we have predictability ensured by the Free Trade Agreement with the EU and everyone cultivates and develops according to a business plan and also plans the sale of products on markets, we should not have reasons for concerns. On the contrary, we should continue to manufacture products that are in demand on foreign markets and this will ensure our success,” stated Nicolae Ciubuc.

Valerian Bejan, one of the authors of the law that bans the use of plastic bags, will request the expert parliamentary commission to apply parliamentary control over the implementation of the regulation. As of January 1, 2019, it is banned using plastic bags whose thickness is equal to or higher than 50 microns. These bags are thicker than the bags by which the people usually take purchases from shops home. The given bags are thinner than 50 microns and will be banned as of January 1, 2020.

The criminal case that involves the former president of the Academy of Sciences Gheorghe Duca and his wife Maria Duca, former rector of the Academy’s University, was remitted to court. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, legal action was taken following a notification made by an employee of the Academy and based on the results of a thematic financial inspection. The couple illegally set for them higher salaries for the performed administration and research activities and unjustified bonuses, being often on business trips and recovery leave. But these weren’t indicated in the accounting records.

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