
Briefness first and foremost - January 23, 2019 IPN digest


From economic viewpoint, the Republic of Moldova is at the level of 1982. “If we compare the Republic of Moldova with other states, like Romania or the three Baltic states - our former “sisters”, for example, we need annual rates of 15-20% to reach their feet at least,” Vasile Șoimaru stated in a news conference at IPN. According to him, since 1990 until 2000, Moldova’s Gross Domestic Product decreased three times. There is no other European or former Soviet state that witnessed such a decline. Since 2000 during 18 years, the Republic of Moldova only rose to the economic level of 1982.

In the same news conference, economic expert Veaceslav Ioniţă said the Republic of Moldova keeps the status of the poorest state in Europe and everyone knows this. He also referred to the problem of jobs, saying in some of the districts, such as Basarabeasca, Onița and Cimișlia, the number of jobs in five years decreased by 25%. In other districts, such as Ungheni and Ialoveni, the situation is completely different. Moreover, there are districts where the public sector employees represent 70% of the employed. Respectively, there is simply no economic activity and this is a big challenge that should be dealt with.

Financial resources for establishing 150 polling places abroad, not 125, were allocated from the state budget for this February’s elections, said the programs director of Promo-LEX Association Pavel Postică. According to him, the Association conducted an analysis based on publicly available information and this showed that about 30 polling places should have been established in constituency No. 49 Russia, CIS and Asia, 90 polling places in Europe and 14-15 polling places in the U.S. and Canada.

In the same program “Country” on Vocea Basarabiei TV channel, political commentator Anatol Țăranu said the law is applied selectively towards the participants in the elections. He referred first of all to the Shor Party. He noted the mixed electoral system is favorable to the Democratic Party. “The ruling party uses its advantage of governing force and the fact that it controls Parliament to adjust the legislation to the own interests in the upcoming elections,” stated Anatol Țăranu.

Editorialist Nicolae Negru said that in the upcoming elections, there are also domestic stakes, such as democratization and deoligarchization. Nevertheless, the external stake should also be considered. “Some say the stake is not geopolitical and that Russia poses no danger and this in the context of the war in Ukraine. (...) From my viewpoint, this is ineptness ,” Nicolae Negru stated in the talk show “Emphasis on today” on TVR Moldova channel.

Political analyst Victor Ciobanu said the inventive lawmakers already envisioned the method of invalidating the election outcome in up to one third of constituencies, by fully keeping the results of the elections. “If the results in these constituencies are not suitable for the government, we will again witness this parade of “independent” justice in the Republic of Moldova,” stated the commentator. According to him, the elections in Chisinau were that red line that was successfully crossed by the current government.

Elections in plain words” from IPN (notions, terms and practices related to the parliamentary elections based on the mixed electoral system and the consultative referendum that will take place on February 24): The observers can attend, without becoming involved, all the meetings of the electoral bodies, the control, sealing up and opening of ballot boxes, the vote count and tabulation, the operations related to voter rolls, ballots and voting certificates and compilation of reports on the totaling up of election results. The observers have access to electoral information, registers of voters and proceedings compiled by electoral bodies, can film, make video recordings and take pictures by notifying the electoral body, without endangering the secret and security of voting. The national observers can submit challenges over the identified irregularities.

The elections of February 24 are not inclusive. An analysis carried out by nongovernmental organizations shows the persons with disabilities cannot be found on the lists of candidates of the first six registered electoral contenders. The persons of Roma ethnicity, the young people and women are included insufficiently.

The Political Party “Our Party” is the seventh electoral contender registered in the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019 in the national constituency. The decision was taken in the January 23 meeting of the Central Election Commission.

Earlier, there were registered the Democratic Party, the electoral bloc ACUM DA PAS, the Party of Communists, the Party of Socialists, the Shor Party and the People’s Movement “Antimafie”. The files of the National Liberal Party, the “People’s Will” Party, the Party of Regions and the Party “Democracy at Home” are being examined.

Moldpresa demands to amend the regulations concerning trading in Chisinau municipality so as to stop the removal of kiosks that sell periodicals. “Many goods that do not need a specialized network are sold on the street. Unlike other kinds of commercial activities, the press needs such a network,” said Rodion Stamatin, a member of the Federation.

After employees of Moldpresa picketed the Chisinau City Hall, it was decided that the Trade Division and the district head’s offices during the next three days will start a dialogue. Until then the removal of kiosks will be suspended. The dialogue between the sides does not yet mean solving of the problems. The members of the Moldpresa Communications Trade Unions Federation would like the regulations concerning trade in the municipality of Chisinau to be suspended so that trade in periodicals is separated from other types of trade.

A yellow code warning for fog, glazed frost and ice was issued for Thursday, January 24. Temperatures will oscillate between 0 and –3 degrees Celsius in the northern districts and –1; +2 degrees Celsius in the southern districts. There will be snow in northern Moldova on Friday. Daytime temperatures will rise to +3 degrees Celsius, while nighttime temperatures will decline to –6 degrees Celsius.

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