
Briefness first and foremost – February 1, 2019 IPN digest


The Republic of Moldova and Romania launched the process of promoting the transnational nomination file for having the “Art of the national shirt with embroidered shoulder pad as an element of cultural identity in Romania and the Republic of Moldova” added to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Republic of Moldova and Romania already promoted three transnational nomination files for inscription on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, Claus Neukirch, called on the Sides to the Transdniestrian settlement to keep to the course of constructive interaction and confidence building. He expressed his concern that recent developments with regard to the village of Varnita and the opening of a Transdniestrian socio-cultural center in Moscow could undermine the trust and confidence built over the past years in the Transdniestrian settlement process. “It is equally clear that the village of Varnita is administered by the local authorities confirmed in the Moldovan local elections of June 2015,” the Head of Mission added.
Even if the election campaign prior to the parliamentary elections started on January 24, a part of the TV channels monitored by the Independent Journalism Center started to favor particular electoral competitors and to disfavor others by the allotted airtime and by the way in which these were presented two weeks before this date. According to the expert, most of the times the TV channels in news items presented the accusations made by some of the electoral contenders against others, without offering the right to reply to those that were accused. In many cases, the reporters didn’t separate the facts from opinion, resorting to the so-called framing, when the information from events is selected and only a particular facet of things that suits particulate electoral protagonists is presented.

“Elections in plain words” from IPN: ensuring of right to vote of persons with disabilities. The persons who turned 18, either they have a disability or not, have the right to vote. Only the persons declared incompetent by court cannot vote. The Central Election Commission, with its bodies of all the levels, together with the bodies of the local public administration, are responsible for ensuring the reasonable adaptation of polling places so as to enable the persons with disabilities and elderly people, including persons with reduced mobility, to have non-discriminatory access.

The participants in the public debate “Elections 2019: Please elect me MP because...”, which was the 102nd installment of the series “Developing political culture through public debates” staged by IPN News Agency on January 31, 2019 said the Political Party “Our Party” (PPPN) should be voted at the parliamentary elections of February 24 because it showed that it can clear the state institutions of corruption, the Shor Party because it will build the state of social welfare, the People’s Movement Antimafie because it will jail the mafia, while the National Liberal Party (PNL) because it is a party with unionist identity and a sincere team.

According to Socialist MP Vlad Bătrîrncea, the PSRM will take over the best practices from the friends from over the Prut, where the Senate of Romania banned by law the calls to dismemberment of the state and any attack on the national security and territorial integrity. “We will protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. We will restore the History of Moldova in schools. The citizens of the Republic of Moldova have the right to study the history of their state. We do not have another state and other interests. We do not want to take territories from other states. We do not urge the neighboring states to give us land. We do not want war with someone. We want to live at home, peacefully,“ stated Vlad Batrîncea.

Representatives of ACUM promise to increase the compensations for drugs provided from the state budget and to diminish the useless requirements for established drug producers so as to facilitate their access to the market. The representatives of the electoral bloc aim to improve the education of the future doctors and to step up the efforts to diminish infant mortality. Another measure is to increase the quality and access to oncological services and better equipped hospitals.
The circular trolleybus route “V. Alecsandri St – Durlești town” will be launched on February 4. Five battery-powered trolleybuses will run on this route at an interval of 16-17 minutes from each other. The timetable of trolleybuses No. 8 that run on the Traian Blvd – “La Izvor” Park in Chisinau was extended until 1am as of January 31 this year.

Details on IPN!