
Briefness first and foremost – December 26, 2018 IPN digest


In an article for IPN entitled “Year of disruptions in Moldova’s European integration: Top 3 accomplishments and failures in 2018”, political pundit Dionis Cenușa noted the year 2018 brought, on the one side, the drastic reduction in the government’s capacity to mislead the European partners concerning the state of reforms. The opposition and civil society turned instead into the main credible messengers of the EU in Moldova. At the same time, the pro-European sympathies remained above the Eurasian course despite the decline in the bilateral relations with the EU. Also, the rise in exports to the EU was consolidated through Romania and this diminished the negative impact of Russian’s bans at least temporarily.

On the other hand, by its actions the government repeatedly exemplified the profoundness of the “state capture” phenomenon that generated the invalidation the results of the mayoral elections in the capital city. Consequently, the EU suspended not only the macro-financial assistance, but also the budget support that will be restored depending on the way in which the upcoming elections are held. Moldova set a risky precedent in the region and the conditionality mechanism applied by the EU turned out to be inefficient before the survival political interests of the local elites.

The internal involutions in the EU in the field of rule of law in Hungary, Poland and Romania and Russia’s new aggression in eastern Ukraine multiplied the number of pressing problems on the EU’s agenda. For this reason too, the narrow political interests in the country could have easier derail Moldova’s European integration. Ultimately, the government’s actions in 2018 offered again useful lessons to the EU, which the latter is to learn to prevent new episodes of distancing by Moldova from the European integration objective. 

In the last meeting of the Cabinet, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said 2018 was a difficult year that brought yet the joy of the achievement of a number of objectives set by the Government.

The PDM approved the list of candidates for the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019. The list for the national constituency is topped by the party’s leader Vlad Plahotniuc. He is followed by Prime Minister Pavel Filip and Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu, while the party’s secretary general Constantin Botnari comes fourth.

The leader of the Democratic Party Vlad Plahotniuc will also run in the single-member constituency Nisporeni. MPs Marian Lupu and Constantin Țuțu are not on the list.

The Party of Socialists approved the list of candidates for the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2009. Of all the candidates, 40% are women and 30% represent other ethnic groups than the Moldovan one. The party’s president Zinaida Grecheanyi said the list could be yet modified. Attending the event, President of Moldova Igor Dodon said he will take a decision as to his running in elections on the list of the PSRM after January 20.

The unionists announced they will take part in the parliamentary elections on the lists of the Party “Democracy at Home”. The leader of the National Unity Bloc Ion Leashchenko said the unionist voters are many in number and even the most pessimistic polls show 20-25% of the voters are unionist. De facto, the number of those who want the union with Romania is close to the critical mass of 50%. “Nevertheless, the unionist voters, who are the most conscious ones, always chose to vote usefully,” stated the politician.

Valeriu Ghiletski will run independently in the single-member constituency that covers the United States and Canada. “I decided to run independently in this constituency as I know rather well the diaspora in the United States and Canada. I think I can represent our citizens who live in the U.S. with dignity”.

The electoral bloc ACUM DA PAS presented the list of candidates for MP for the national constituency. This is headed by the leader of the Party “Action and Solidarity” Maia Sandu and the leader of the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” Andrei Năstase. These are followed by representatives of the two parties, including Alexandru Slusari, Igor Grosu, Igor Munteanu, Octavian Țîcu, Liliana Nicolaescu-Onofrei, Mihail Popșoi, Kiril Moțpan and Inga Grogoriu.

The bloc’s list also includes representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party – MP Maria Ciobanu and the party’s vice president Ion Terguță. Among the candidates are also political analyst Oazu Nantoi and ex-judge Domnica Manole.

Even if the Government of the Republic of Moldova during several years has suggested that the  peacekeeping mission that includes service members of Russia as well should be replaced with an internationally mandated civil mission, President Igor Dodon expressed his confidence that by further doing their job the peacekeepers working in the Security Zone will contribute to a beneficial atmosphere for…ensuring the unconditional right of all the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to vote freely in the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019. The opinion was stated in a meeting with the Transnistrian leader Vadim Krasnoselslii in Bender, which is controlled by the unrecognized Transnistrian regime, on December 25.

Detail on IPN!