
BizRadar, platform that connects entrepreneurs with state authorities


The crisis situations force the Government to swiftly introduce new rules for the business community. These requirements change depending on the evolution of crises and are often not discussed with the business community before being approved. Owing to different restrictions, the frequency of meetings between the Government and the business community on business regulation reforms diminished. As an alternative, there was designed the virtual business community’s application BizRadar, which is a platform that ensures connection between entrepreneurs and the state authorities, said Ion Lupan,  head of the Secretariat of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister. 

“The goal was for the application to be used by businesspeople, owners and directors of companies revisited in the Republic of Moldova, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, with emphasis on those based outside Chisinau - those people who ensure the functionality of a company. Participation in polls, assessment of interaction with inspection bodies, reporting of different abuses should be fully anonymous so that not even we, those who manage this software, know who and how answered different questions and how they assess their relationship with a particular institution. This application enables to communicate without fear of eventual revenge,” stated Ion Lupan.

According to him, the subscribers to BizRadar will first of all have access to important economic news items in Moldova, will find out more details about the Economic Council to the Prime Minister and will have access to exclusive information compiled by the team dealing with the analysis of impact assessments for different draft regulations that govern business activity.

The App was created with support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store.